ThrudBall 2024
Annual Report

Welcome to Thrudball’s annual report for 2024. This covers income and work done by the organising team from mid-August 2023 to mid-August 2024.

Following a record-breaking 2023 from which donations totalling £14,000 were made, the team agreed at an early stage not to spend the year overworking themselves in what would probably be a futile attempt to break that record. Instead, the focus was on putting in place organisational and financial structures to enable Thrudball to sustainably raise funds without burning out volunteers.

As always, the team would like to express its utmost gratitude to Thrud’s creator Carl Critchlow for his ongoing support.

Fundraising throughout the year

We’re very grateful to the entire community for their generosity this year, without which any of this would have been possible. Sources of income for this year included:

Although we ask everyone to donate using Friends and Family on Paypal, which means that we avoid fees, this is not possible for everyone. This year the total fees paid on donations came to £129.74.


The organising team made the decision that two items in the Orction, which had originally been produced to support two charities as part of different Blood Bowl tournaments, would continue to support those charities. Proceeds from those two auction items have therefore been donated to Movember UK and Prostate Cancer UK respectively. 

Following Thrudball 2024 and the payment of all outstanding invoices and expenses we have now made the following donations, for a total of £17,765:

The following donations were made earlier in the year after the online auction:

Mind, the Mental Health Charity - £675

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation - £675

The total amount donated across the year is therefore £19,115. Payment receipts can be found linked above, and the annual balance sheets can be viewed here.

Summary of feedback received post-tournament

Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on the Thrudball weekend. We’ve read it all and discussed it at length in our three-hour post-tournament review on Sunday 11 August. It will now be used by the team when planning out 2025: we can’t promise that every suggestion will be put into practice, but they definitely will be considered.

In summary:

The team was very aware of delays with the catering on Saturday lunchtime, which caused a subsequent delay to the running of the timetable as well as a very long wait for food. This was despite offers to the venue of assistance from the admin team. During the rest of the afternoon, the team spoke with the venue and it seemed to us that lunch on the Sunday was smoother and better.

We also received (both in person and through the feedback forms) comments on the unacceptable standard of the vegetarian food served by the venue. It simply wasn’t good enough.

We’ll be working with the venue and any other caterers used for 2025 to try and cut these problems off at the pass. Coaches are with us for a substantial amount of time across the weekend and have limited access to other food, and so catering is something we want to get right, in quality as well as quantity. We’ve read all of the feedback given to us on the food side of things, and will be referring back to it in the coming months as we speak to the venue and consider catering options for 2025.

There are a number of things people said or commented on which we’d like to provide specific responses to at this stage:

Definite actions from feedback

Whilst we’ll be considering all of the feedback as we put plans in place for next year, we are happy to say that we’ll definitely implement the following improvements (which didn’t require much if any discussion to agree on):

If something isn’t on this list, it doesn’t mean that nothing is going to happen as a result of it, just that the team wanted to have a fuller discussion at a later meeting.

Final thoughts

Thanks to everyone who’s been a part of this year’s work. We’re really proud of what we’ve achieved, and are very excited to keep Thrudball going long past next year’s 20th Anniversary! We’ll share more information on plans when we have it!