Tournament Schedule

Friday 2nd August 2024

1600 Site opens for attendees

1800 ThrudBall 7s tournament Game 1 and Board Games

1930 ThrudBall 7s tournament Game 2

2045 ThrudBall 7s tournament Game 3

2200 ThrudBall 7s tournament Awards and Legacy Team Draw

2300 Last Orders

0100 Lights out and quiet

Saturday 3rd August 2024

0830 Registration & Breakfast

0915 Welcome and Announcements (Please do not be late!) and Dymarip Auction Rd. 1

0945 Game 1

1200 Lunch & Most Thrudlike Challenge 1

1300 Game 2

1515 Most Thrudlike Challenge 2

1545 Game 3

1800 Dinner and Most Thrudlike Challenge 3

1915   Charity Auction (3hrs) & card/board games, etc.

2300 Last Orders

0100 Lights out and quiet

Sunday 4th August 2024

0830 Breakfast

0915 Welcome and Announcements

0930 Game 4

1145 Lunch, Most Thrudlike Challenge 4 & Best Painted Team voting

1245 Game 5

1500 Most Thrudlike Challenge 5

1530 Game 6

1745 Tidy Up, pack down

1800 Awards

1830 Close


1100 Site cleared