2021 and Onwards

Welcome to the era of Chaos

I hope you are all staying safe and well, and ensuring that you are managing your new lives during the Covid19 pandemic. It is not ideal, but my faith in the Blood Bowl Community is strong, and I know we will still be around no matter what.

The SquadChaos Initiative

So, on to the announcement. As some of you know, the SquadChaos Initiative bloomed in March 2020, bringing coaches the world over together in the promise of “Good games, good times and good company”. 

As a SquadChaos Captain myself, the amount of support that has been offered from fellow SquadChaos members towards Thrud Ball has allowed me to make the decision (fully supported by the other Captains, Glowworm and Nazgob) to announce that SquadChaos will be running Thrud Ball this year and ongoing. 

While Glowworm has taken over the financial oversight of the event, leading SquadChaos member Widram is now heading the donations side of the event (so if you want to donate something, or sponsor a prize, please contact him directly). Many other jobs and roles have been handed to people who offered their help (announcements to come soon). 

This should allow the event to develop into a bigger and better event than ever, and allow me to focus on providing you the best Blood Bowl tournament experience in the UK.

The Website

With many thanks to Nazgob, we now have a brand new website (you must know - you're on it)! This will hold all the details of the Thrudball event, including the full rules of the tournament, details of the accommodation, food, merchandise, etc. 

You will also be able to purchase your tickets and merchandise bundle through this site when tickets go live. This is still under construction, and more details are being added every day.

The January Sale

In addition, I would like to thank everyone who has supported the recent January Sale we did on the Thrudball stock. We are trying to clear all of this old stock so we can bring in a new line of SquadChaos/Thrudball merchandise from this year. Keep your eye out for when the 2021 merchandise bundle is announced – these will only be available as a preorder before the event (and yes, you can order them without attending the event, we can ship it to you at cost).

Thanks for your support as always, and I look forward to seeing all of your faces at Thrudball 2021. 
